Fix and Flip

Fix & Flip is a real estate investment strategy where an investor purchases a property, renovates or repairs it to improve its value, and then sells it for a profit. This approach involves identifying undervalued or distressed properties, making necessary improvements, and quickly reselling them. The goal is to complete the process swiftly to minimise holding costs and maximise return on investment (ROI).

Importance of understanding Fix & Flip

Profit potential

Understanding the Fix & Flip strategy can help investors identify opportunities to generate significant profits through real estate transactions. By improving properties and selling them at higher prices, investors can achieve substantial returns.

Market knowledge

Investors need to have a deep understanding of the local real estate market, including property values, demand, and trends. This knowledge is crucial for making informed decisions about which properties to purchase and how much to invest in renovations.

Risk management

Fix & Flip investments carry risks, including construction delays, cost overruns, and market fluctuations. Understanding these risks and developing strategies to manage them is essential for success.

Financial planning

Effective financial planning is critical for Fix & Flip projects. Investors need to budget for purchase costs, renovation expenses, holding costs, and potential profit margins to ensure the project is financially viable.

Key components of Fix & Flip

Property acquisition

The first step in a Fix & Flip project is acquiring a property at a price significantly below its potential market value. This often involves finding distressed properties, foreclosures, or homes in need of significant repairs.

Renovation and repairs

Once acquired, the property undergoes renovations and repairs to enhance its appeal and market value. This can include cosmetic upgrades, structural repairs, and modernising outdated features.


Investors typically use various financing options to fund Fix & Flip projects, including hard money loans, private lenders, or personal funds. Understanding the terms and costs associated with financing is crucial for managing the project’s budget.

Marketing and sale

After renovations are complete, the property is marketed and listed for sale. Effective marketing strategies and a good understanding of the target market are essential for attracting potential buyers and achieving a quick sale.

Profit calculation

The ultimate goal of Fix & Flip is to sell the property at a profit. Investors need to accurately calculate potential profits by considering all costs involved, including purchase price, renovation expenses, holding costs, and selling costs.

Pros and cons of Fix & Flip


  • High profit potential: Successful Fix & Flip projects can yield significant profits in a relatively short period.
  • Market entry: This strategy provides a way for investors to enter the real estate market and build capital.
  • Value creation: Investors can increase property values through strategic renovations and improvements.
  • Short investment horizon: Fix & Flip projects typically have shorter timelines compared to long-term rental investments.


  • High risk: The strategy involves significant risks, including construction delays, cost overruns, and market volatility.
  • Capital intensive: Fix & Flip requires substantial upfront capital for property acquisition and renovations.
  • Time-consuming: Managing renovations, contractors, and the sales process can be time-consuming and require hands-on involvement.
  • Market dependency: Success depends heavily on the state of the real estate market and local demand for renovated properties.

Applications of Fix & Flip

Residential properties

The Fix & Flip strategy is most commonly applied to residential properties, including single-family homes, townhouses, and small apartment buildings. Investors focus on properties that can be quickly renovated and resold to individual buyers or families.

Commercial properties

Fix & Flip can also be applied to commercial properties, such as office buildings, retail spaces, or industrial properties. These projects typically involve larger investments and more complex renovations but can yield significant profits.

Multi-family properties

Investors can apply the Fix & Flip strategy to multi-family properties, such as duplexes or small apartment complexes. Renovating and improving these properties can increase their value and attract higher rents or sales prices.

Fix & Flip in action

Consider an investor in Lismore who purchases a distressed single-family home for $300,000. The investor plans to spend $50,000 on renovations, including updating the kitchen, bathrooms, and landscaping. After completing the renovations, the investor lists the property for $450,000. The key steps in the Fix & Flip process include:

  1. Property acquisition: Purchase the distressed property for $300,000.
  2. Renovation: Spend $50,000 on renovations and repairs.
  3. Financing: Secure financing through a hard money loan or private lender.
  4. Marketing and sale: List the renovated property for $450,000.
  5. Profit calculation: Calculate potential profits by subtracting purchase, renovation, holding, and selling costs from the sale price.

Connection to loans and trusts

Fix & Flip projects often involve specific types of loans, such as building loans and bridging loans. These loans provide the necessary capital for property acquisition and renovations. Investors may also use business loans to fund larger projects or establish their Fix & Flip business. Income trusts can benefit from investing in Fix & Flip projects by providing capital and earning returns from successful property sales. Understanding the role of financing and investment vehicles is crucial for managing Fix & Flip projects effectively.

Learn more

For more information on Fix & Flip and its implications, visit the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) website.


Fix & Flip is a popular real estate investment strategy that involves purchasing, renovating, and reselling properties for profit. Understanding the key components, benefits, and risks of Fix & Flip is essential for investors to achieve success in this field. By carefully selecting properties, managing renovations, and effectively marketing the finished product, investors can capitalise on the potential for high returns. However, the strategy also involves significant risks and requires substantial capital and market knowledge. With careful planning and execution, Fix & Flip can be a profitable venture in the real estate market.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this page is for general informational and educational purposes only and is never intended as financial advice. While we strive to ensure that the content is accurate and up-to-date, it may not reflect the most current legal or financial developments. Always consult with a qualified financial advisor or professional before making any financial decisions. Use the information at your own risk.


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